Terms & Conditions of Service Delivery – Purohits / Vadhyars / Bruhaspatis
Should reach the place ahead of time and start the work on time
Should call the kartas the day before the karma , on the day of the ritual (before starting to the karta’s premises) and assure them of your arrival
Should carry sufficient Yagnyopaveetam, Darbhams, Samit, Darvees
In case of inability to perform the ritual due to Aashowcham, Personal Emergencies etc the Responsibility of re directing the work lies with you . shraddham.com would not take any such last minute responsibilities.
Sambhavana would be transferred to the bank account registered with us
Should be polite towards kartas and their family members
Kartas would give feedback about you (rate you) in aspects like Punctuality , Behavior, Performance .
If kartas offer additional money, you can accept it .Should not pester kartas for any extra money
Should not criticize any other Bruhaspati / Purohit / Vadhyar , Religious Establishments , Yatis at the Kartas premises
Should be focussed on completing the job. So, do not talk politics / sports / entertainment at the karta’s premises
Terms & Conditions of Service Delivery – Cooks
Should reach the place ahead of time and start the work on time
Should call the kartas the day before the karma , on the day of the ritual (before starting to the karta’s premises) and assure them of your arrival
In case of complete cooking contract, ask the kartas about the vegetables , bhakshanams that are cooked at their homes for shraddhams and buy items accordingly.
In case of inability to perform cooking due to Aashowcham, Personal Emergencies etc the Responsibility of re directing the work lies with you . shraddham.com would not take any such last minute responsibilities.
Sambhavana would be transferred to the bank account registered with us
Should be polite towards kartas and their family members
Kartas would give feedback about you (rate you) in aspects like Punctuality , Behavior, Performance .
If kartas offer additional money, you can accept it .Should not pester kartas for any extra money
Should not criticize any other Bruhaspati / Purohit / Vadhyar , Religious Establishments , Yatis at the Kartas premises
Should be focussed on completing the job. So, do not talk politics / sports / entertainment at the karta’s premises