
Sri :

Sri Ramajayam

Maha Pitru Yagynam / Uthara Karma / Apara Kainkaryam –Apara Karma / Antima Ishti / Post Death Ceremonies

Vaasamsi Jeernani Yatha Vihaaya Navaani Krunnaani Naraa Paraani /

Tathaa Shareeraani Vihaaya Jeernaani Anyaani Samyaati Navaani Dehi //


Man wears a new cloth when an old one is torn. Similarly, upon death , Aatma leaves the body and takes another body . Body perishes but Atma doesn’t .

Death by no means is the end. It is just the completion of the time that one is destined to spend on this earth. So, Death has to be respected and proper post death ceremonies have to be performed . Post death ceremonies are proper ways of satisfying, dignifying the departed. So, these ceremonies are not optional . They are mandatory. However, the performers should not have any fear towards such ceremonies. They should seek proper, correct and accurate guidance from learned experts so that the ceremonies are performed as prescribed. If these ceremonies are properly done, it satisfies the departed, helps them obtain Sookshma Shareeram (Invisible Body) with Proper Pitru Sthaanam (Ancestoral Status). If these ceremonies are not performed properly , the departed would not obtain Sookshma Shareeram with Proper Pitru Sthaanam. Instead they would be carrying the Athrupti Pretha Tag (Dead –Unsatisfied-Groaning In Grief), which makes them curse.

Pitru (Maatru) Yagnyams which commence with Dahana Samskaaram are also referred to as Pitru / Maatru kainkaryams . So, a person should devote himself towards these ceremonies so that the family reaps the blessings of the departed.

Daanams done during these 13 days are 1000 times more beneficial than the Daanams done during normal time.

The following are the karmas ceremonies to be done post death

Sarva Prayaschittam

This is to be done exactly at the time of the last breath. Since this is impractical, one may perform this during his / her lifetime or the karta (performer) can perform it before commencing the dahana ritual. This is done for relief from all the sins committed during his / her lifetime. Go (Cow) , Bhu (Land), Tila (Till / Ellu) , Uda Kumbham (Water Container ), Deepam (Lamp) is suggested by shaastrams . If these beyond the karta’s ability , they can give away the daanams as pratinidhi (substitute) in the form of cash

Utkraanti Go Daanam – Karna Mantra Japam

This is to be done within 90 minutes of the last breath A fertile cow (or pratinidhi / equivalent) has be given as daanam so that the separation of the last breath from the body is smooth. The mantra says that the Praanan ,Karma Indriyaas, Gyaana Indriyaas converge properly and get released from the body without any conflict . Since this practically impossible , a daanam is made .

Dahana Samskaram

Ideally, a person should be on the floor while breathing his / her last. This would not happen in all the cases. So, a prayaschittam is performed . The hands and the legs should be tied, the head should face south and the legs should be on the north. A lamp facing the south should be lit and kept near the head.

Dahana Samskaram (Cremation by Chanting Appropriate Mantras) should be started after a yaamam (3 hours) post death. If death occurs during day time, it is advisable to perform Dahana Samskaaram on the same day itself. If death occurs during night time, Dahana Samskaram should be performed the next day. There may be instances where, due to various reasons,dahana samskaram could not be performed within the stipulated time (The karta is travelling / living at a far off place etc). In such cases (death during night, mortal remains kept in the house for the arrival of the karta) the mortal remains are called Paryushitam (Old). So, a separate Prayaschita homam should be done to present the mortal remains to Bhagawan through Fire.

The Sombu (Water Container used during Dahanam) and the piece of Cloth should be used till day 10. So, they should be carefully preserved.

Once the mortal remains are presented through fire , Nagna Shraddham should be performed

The Kartas should approach a barber and get their faces shaved (Only till the neck). Their heads should not be fully shaved.

Asthi Shanchayanam is performed to unite the post cremation remains (bones and ash) with earth. This is done by offering the post cremation remains to a natural water source.

Paashaana Sthaapanam -Nitya Vidhi

The Kartas should take head bath and should perform Nitya Vidhi fully wet. They should not have uthareeyam (second vastram) , should have a pavitram made of one darbham (holy grass). Sri Vaishnavites (Iyengars) should sport only thiruman and not srichoornam during nitya vidhi.

The departed is invoked in a black stone at two different places called Nadeetara / Tataakateera (On the banks of a river) Kundam and Gruhadwaara Kundam (in the house). Only those who are living in villages where a river passes through can form such separate kundams. Others can establish two separate kundams for Nitya Vidhi.

Sthaapanam should be done immediately after dahanam. If not, it can be done on Odd days (3/5/7/9). Once Sthaapanam is done, Vasodakam (Water Through Wet Cloth ), Tilodakam (Till and Water), Pinda Bali (2 Balls made of cooked rice) , Coconut Water , Curd, Honey, Ghee, Jaggery should be presented daily .

Nadeetara / Tataakateera Kundam – Both vasodakam and Tilodakam

Gruhadwaara Kundam – Vasodakam , Pinda Bali, Cocount Water , Curd, Honey, Ghee, Jaggery

At nadeetara / Tataakateera kundam – the youngest brother should perform nitya vidhi first and the eldest should perform last.

Upon completion of the daily Nitya Vidhi , the Pindams should be kept carefully inside the cloth and should be thrown in a natural water source . The Karta should carry them carefully and throw them backwards in the water source. Afterwards, the kartas should take bath and then enter their house.

The body of the departed takes shape during nitya vidhi. The thirst and hunger are quenched by the tarpanams and the pinda balis that are offered by the kartas.

Across these 10 days ,A total of 30 vasodakams (3 each day) and 75 tilodakams (Day 1 -3 Tilodakams, Day 2-4 , Day 3-5, Day 4 – 6 , Day 5-7, Day 6-8 , Day 7-9, Day 8-10, Day 9- 11 , Day 10- 12 )are to be offered by each karta at Nadeetara / Tataakateera Kundam

Ekotara Vruddhi Shraddham should be done on all days of Nitya Vidhi by giving Raw Rice, Raw Banana, Dakshinai

Nava Shraddham should be done on Odd days – Days 1,3,5,7,9,11 by presenting Raw Rice, Raw Banana, Dakshinai

Day 10 – Kuzhi Tarpanam & Prabhuta Bali

Those who are related to the departed (Upto 7 Generations in the same family / lineage) should perform Kuzhi Tarpanam on Day 10 . It should be noted that only those who dont have father should do Kuzhi Tarpanam. If the deceased is elder to those who perform Kuzhi Tarpanam, Kshavaram and bath should be performed befor commencing Kuzhi Tarpanam.

The Jeevan gets extremely hungry (Maha Kshuth) on day 10 and to satisfy that particular hunger, Prabhuta Bali (Half Cooked , Salt less items) are offered at the Gruhadwaara Kundam. All relatives should prostrate before the Bali (Unmarried Women and Women whose husbands are alive should carry turmeric while prostrating) and Uthapanam (Removal of the Black Stones) is done at both the Kundams. Post Uthapanam , The Prabhuta Bali should be disposed off in Water Sources and the kartas should take head bath.

Aananda Homam

Shuddhi Punyahavachanam is performed to ensure the place where Aananda Homam is to be performed and the items involved in the homam are purified. Ananda homam is performed where the Kartas pray that sorrow should go away and happiness should set in all the families .

The Aananda Homa Fire and the Punyaha Jalam (Water Purified by Mantras) is taken into the home . Some families have the practise of painting their homes white before Aananda Homam – to mark a new beginning.

Day 11 – Vrushaba Utsarjanam and Ekotishtam

The departed soul should not take the route of Demons . Also, the departed should not / cannot stay as Pretam (Dead body with Immeasureable needs) .So a male calf is offered flowers , fruits and Vrushabha Utsarjana Japam is performed on the male calf. If getting a male calf is not possible, a coconut is used as a substitute.

Aadi masikam (The first monthly shraddham) is performed in Agni . Then a Sole Bramhanar is requested to eat in the capacity of Pretam.

Day 12 - Sapindeekaranam

Kartas should change Poonal (Yagnyopaveetam) . All masikams , Oonams leading upto the Aabdeekam are done in the way of Hiranya Sharddham where in 16 sets of Raw Rice, Raw Bananas, Jaggery, Dhall , Beetle Leaves and Beetle Nuts along with Dakshinai are given to 16 Bramhanas.

Sapindeekaranam is the process of uniting the departed with Pitrus. It is the ritual in which the departed is relieved of the Preta Roopam . 4 Bramhanas (Vishwedevar , Pitrus, Preta , Vishnu) are requested by the kartas to grace the occasion. After performing all sorts of Upacharams, Bhojanam is offered to them. Silver Sombus -Tumblers, Gold Rings, New Vastrams are offered to the Swamis who grace the occasion.

Different Daanams with dakshinai (Land, Cow, Gold, Silver, Salt, Jaggery,Lamp, Drinking Water Vessels (Sombu), Fruits, Walking Stick, Hand Fan (Visiri) , Sacred Lamp, Bed along with Pillows , Bed Sheets, Books , Curd Rice and Many more) are performed before Argya – Pinda Samyojanam. The departed is then united with the pitrus and accorded the Vasu status (first among Vasu, Rudra ,Aaditya).

Day 13 – Shubha Sweekaram

It is to commence the Devata Poojas / Aradhanam again which were stopped due to the death. Smartaas peform it is as Graha Yagynam and Sri Vaishnavas perform it as Ubhaya Veda Parayanam (Chanting of Divya Prabandham and Vedam). A Scholar delivers Charama Shloka Upanyasam which stresses on Karmas and the Gati that the departed attains . The kartas are blessed by all those who grace the occasion with Shobana Akshatai. Aasheerwada Mantras are chanted. Kartas are given new clothes, fruits, flowers , beetle leaves, beetle nuts by their in laws / relatives. Bramhana Bhojanam / Samaaradhanai / Thadeeyaradhanai is performed . The Kartas should go to a temple in the evening and worship The Almighty.

Kartas – What to do ? What not to do?

1. Dahanam should be performed as early as possible
2. Should not keep the body at home for long
3. Should not shave between days 2 – 10. Post Dahanam , should approach a barber and get shaved upto the neck .
4. Should start Nitya Vidhi at the earliest. If delayed, should start on an odd day (Days 3,5,7,9 ). Earlier the better
5. Should give all danams, dakshinais from the bottom of the heart.
6. All brothers – their wives should provide unconditional support to the eldest karta
7. If , the eldest is unable to come on the day of death, the next eldest can perform Dahanam. In such cases, The eldest karta should take over the responsibilities at the earliest.
8. The Tithi present when one breathes his / her last is the shraddha tithi.
9. Nitya Vidhi should be performed in the order of youngest-eldest
10. Should perform only 10gayatri japam during sandhyavandanam till day 10
11. Should not go to temples for 13 days. Temple worship should be done only on day 13 evening
12. Should avoid going to other’s houses.
13. Should be extremely polite while interacting with Bruhaspatis (Purohits) , Elders
14. Should stay focussed on completing the karma